The Women of Temple Emanu El (WOTEE) encourages and sustains the highest ideals of Judaism. As a member, you will develop friendships while furthering the religious, educational, philanthropic, cultural and social activities of the congregation. WOTEE is involved in a wide array of activities including sponsoring our weekly Oneg Shabbat and donating gifts. You may become involved in providing helpful services to our religious school students as well as college students away from home. The Women of Temple Emanu El also sponsors a variety of outstanding programming events for the entire congregation.

The Women of Temple Emanu El is a multi-generational group that brings many women together for spiritual, educational, social and fund raising events. We offer an annual paid up member event, guest speakers, mystery trips, WOTEE Shabbat, Mahj Jongg and game days, lunch-n-learns and other exciting programs.

For more information, contact Temple Emanu El office at 216.454.1300.