In order to apply for a scholarship for your first event or for a need-based scholarship from TEE, please complete our on line form at:
This form will be sent to Beth Mann and we will do our best to get you the scholarship code as soon as possible. Please note that (It can take up to a week for us to receive the code so please request the code early to avoid additional fees).
First Timers Opportunity
Because we believe in the value of participating on the regional level and getting to know people from other congregations and other cities, we have secured a grant from the Jewish Federation of Cleveland/Jewish Education Center of Cleveland to allow our members to try one regional event for which the cost (early bird registration and transportation) are completely covered.
Need Based Scholarship
Temple Emanu El offers a limited number of need based scholarships for youth to attend regional events.
For further information, please contact Beth Mann at 216.454.1220.