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TEE Brotherhood offers members the opportunity to work, learn, and socialize with a group of Jewish men who provide service to our congregation and the community-at-large.

Community building and networking are part of a broad range of in-person and virtual activities that occur year-round including their famous Sports Night which they have held for the past 30 years.

Our Brotherhood supports the programming within the Religious School and provides a personalized artist rendering certificate for our B’nai Mitzvah students.

For more information, contact Brotherhood President Harlan Ullman,


Temple Emanu El Sisterhood celebrates the strength, resilience, and unity of women. Through their goal of women supporting women, they foster connections, share in each other’s lives, and uplift one another. 

Through their religious, educational, philanthropic, cultural, and social activities, members of Sisterhood develop lifelong friendships.

Our Sisterhood sponsors our weekly Shabbat Nosh and provides a yad for our B’nai Mitzvah students.


For more information on Sisterhood, contact Facilitators Pam Richards,;

Lillian Schlachter,; or

Judy Uram,


TEEns, our youth group, offers social, educational, community service, and religious experiences for students in Grades 7 to 12. TEEns is a fantastic opportunity for our adolescents to spend time with their Temple friends outside of the classroom setting. Every student who is a part of the Monday evening program is a member of the Senior TEEn Kolel youth group. All events are meant to be social and fun, as well as containing a Jewish component. 

As a segue into the youth group dynamic, Temple Emanu El also offers social opportunities for our Grades 5-6 students. 


For more information on TEEn programming, contact Beth Mann, Family and Youth Program Director, at

BOOK groups

Temple Emanu El has two long-standing book groups that meet monthly either in-person or virtually. Each group selects the books to read and review months in advance.


The Men’s Book Group meets in-person on the first Monday of each month at 3:00 pm at rotating homes. For more information on the Men’s Book Group, contact Howard Abramoff, Group Facilitator, at


The Women’s Book Group meets virtually on the second Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm via Zoom. For more information on the Women’s Book Group, contact Sue Maier, Group Facilitator, at


TTemple Emanu El is a grassroots advocacy-oriented congregation. With a dedicated Advocacy Committee at the helm, we have almost monthly speakers, panels, and forums on a variety of topics raising awareness and encouraging action to affect change. The Advocacy Committee plans an annual ShareFest, Temple Emanu El’s intergenerational day of service, and oversees our collections and installations for the Walls of Love.

Topics addressed include anti-Semitism, gun violence, immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, racism, women’s reproductive rights, getting out the vote, and so much more. Programming is held at the conclusion of Friday evening Shabbat services, Sunday mornings during Religious School, or various weeknights depending on the target audience. 

For more information on Advocacy, contact Suzanne Schneps, Advocacy Committee Chair, at


Temple Emanu El boasts Chavurot, small friendships groups, which connect congregants based on similar demographics and/or common interests. Chavurot, led by congregants, hold 4-8 events annually and encourage its members to attend Temple events together.


For more information on Chavurot, contact Michelle Bailin, Engagement Committee Chair, at



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